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I picture something, it’s beautiful

It’s full of life, and it is all blue

I’ve seen the sunset on the beach

It makes me feel calm

When I’m calm, I feel good

Freedom song – By Jason Mraz

Country Day


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CAT |  Groc quasi verd

Groc, verd. Ceps. Sol. Vitalitat. Relax. Camp. Olor. Llibertat.

CAST | Amarillo casi verde

Amarillo, verde. Vid. Sol. Vitalidad. Relax. Campo. Olor. Libertad.

ENG | Yellow almost green

Yellow, green. Strains. Sun. Vitality. Relax. Field. Odor. Freedom.

Books, lovely!


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CAT | Llibres! 

D’acord amb Emily Dickinson, per viatjar lluny, no hi ha millor nau que un llibre. A més, nosaltres li afegim unes sabates boniques que t’acompanyin a llocs desconeguts.

CAST | ¡Libros!

De acuerdo con Emily Dickinson, para viajar lejos, no hay mejor nave que un libro. Además, nosotros le añadimos unos zapatos bonitos que te acompañen a lugares desconocidos.

ENG | Books!

According to Emily Dickinson, to travel far, there is no better ship than a book. In addition, we add some nice shoes to go with you to unknown places.