Fabián Ciraolo – Style in illustrations

Chaplin-Fab-Ciraolo marilyn-fab-ciraolo2

dali-fab-ciraolo1 frida


Fabián Ciraolo is a chilean illustrator. He transmits beauty through his artwork.

These are some of his creations -Chaplin; Marilyn Monroe; Salvador Dalí; Frida Kahlo-

Romantic Style

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  • CAT |  Essència del romanticisme
“Mira dues vegades per veure el que és just. No miris més que un cop per veure la bellesa.” Henry F. Amiel (1821-1881) Escriptor suís.
  • CAST |  Esencia del romanticismo
“Mira dos vecer para ver lo justo. No mires más que una vez para ver lo bello.” Henry F. Amiel (1821-1881) Escritor suizo.
  • ENG |  Essence of romanticism
“Look twice to see what is fair. Do not look more than once to see the beautiful.” Henry F. Amiel (1821-1881) Swiss writer.